Week 6 is done!
And we are still sick. I’ve congested for what felt like 900 years. It wasn’t but I don’t know what it is about NOT being able to breathe through your nose but I could not kick this congestion.
It also feels like the time between Christmas and New Years is a black hole and on top of being sick, time just seemed to move really weirdly. So I am behind on what feels like all the things.
I do feel like my body panicked a little bit as I was reducing time for my middle of the day pump (currently pump 3x a day) and I was producing the same amount as I was with 4 pumps!!!! It’s hard to not feel like I’m going to be pumping for the rest of my life but I’m trying to just hold space for whatever it is my body needs to sort through. I do have a high storage capacity, which means my body still produces the same amount of milk whether I’m removing it or not. So for example, I can go 8 hours between pumps and yield 8oz. I could also pump 3x in that 8 hour period and still yield the same. So my girls just hold a little bit more. And, no, they’re not big. I’m barely a C cup!
The night sweats, insomnia, and anxiety are back, which I guess I’m not surprised but I think the most annoying thing is sweating at night because it’s cold. Not a fan! I’ve lived with anxiety my whole life so that is what it is and had terrible insomnia while I was pregnant so I know how to handle that.
I am still having moments of postpartum rage and they seem to peak around my cycle, which I had PMDD prior to pregnancy and around when there’s been a big reduction in pump time. I’m trying to make sure I stay on top of vitamins and supplements because I’ve noticed I’m a litlte less ragey when I’m taking them consistently.
I did switch out sunflower lecithin for choline as choline is what your body converts lecithin to. New research is showing that it’s better to go straight to the source so I’ve been taking this choline supplement. LactationHub also has a great video on Instagram explaining lecithin vs choline – you can watch it here!
The goal is to be down to 2 pumps a day by the end of week 7 so fingers crossed we can get there!
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