Week 8 is done!
I knew this was going to take awhile, since I’m purposefully going slow, but for some reason, I did not expect 2 months to fly by. It’s been slow and fast all at once! I’m still at 2 pumps, but I’m working to reduce both pumps at the same time because at this point, it’s been 2 months and I’m over it.
I’m being slightly more aggressive with these last two pumps but still trying to protect my hormones, which in turn protects my mental health. I originally had both my first pump of the day and last pump of the day down to 25 min each while I was reducing my middle of the day pump. Once I completely eliminated the middle of the day pump, I started reducing my last pump of the day by 5 minutes every 2-3 days and my first pump of the day by 2 minutes every 3-4 days.
I’m thinking my morning pump will be the last to go since prolactin levels are the highest in the morning anyways, so I’m not going to push that one too hard but still am hoping to be completely weaned by the end of week 9. Which, to be honest, probably won’t happen just because of my storage capacity.
Something to keep in mind when you hear anyone mention breast storage capacity is that it has nothing to do with the size of your breast. Breast storage capacity varies from person to person. It is not related to breast size because storage capacity is created by glandular tissue not fatty tissue (La Leche League Canada). For example, I’m barely a C cup currently and still pump 8oz in the morning – there’s usually 12-13 hours between my last pump of the day and the first one for the next day. My breasts stay soft and I haven’t had any clogs. Having less granular tissue can also result in low supply and should be discussed with your CLC.
We all got sick AGAIN, which I’m blaming on the Nose Frida, that sponge does absolutely nothing to protect you against whatever your baby is sick from – this is the third time we’ve gotten sick when the baby was sick and we had to use it!!! In the trash it goes. We’ve actually switched to this nose aspirator instead (affiliate). So I can’t necessarily speak to what symptoms because I’ve been in survival mode – the baby had a double ear infection earlier in the week on top of crazy congestion and we were all barely sleeping. So no idea if I’ve had insomnia or anxiety because I wasn’t sleeping anyways!!!!
We do have an embryo transfer that we are hoping to do in February but honestly with how long it’s been taking, it will likely be March which means we risk Baby #2 and Hobbs having birthdays very close together. Not the worst, but also, it’s hard to not worry about making sure two kiddos will still feel special! I will keep you all posted and check back in for Week 9!
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