Weaning Chronicles – Week 2

February 20, 2025

Weaning Week 2, is done in the books!

I don’t think much has changed between week one and week two. Overall output seems to be the same. I’ve really only lost a couple of ounces and I mean like one to two – nothing major.

I have been DRAGGING my feet this week. I’m having a hard time sticking to the new schedule I set for myself. I kind of adjusted the times of all my pumps to make it a little bit easier to get out and about and have missed every single one of them this week. I even had to pump in the car and at the gym for my lift session with my trainer, which is a 2/10, do not recommend. Outside of that mess, I have been diligently reducing my third pump of the day I have been going slow with that.

Emotionally, I still feel pretty stable. I am still fairly anxious at night and I’m not too sure if that’s related to weaning or not because it’s the holidays and I’ve been seeing a lot of people posting that they have anxiety right now too. Not sure if Mercury is in the microwave or what, but it seems to be a general consensus that we all just have high anxiety right now.

I did almost have a moment the other day where I considered dropping a pump completely and only pumping three times instead of four times. I think the hormone shift has me scared enough to not tempt fate. The shift from 6 to 5 and 5 to 4 was really hard emotionally and I don’t really want to go back there.

I’ve noticed that if I do happen to go a little bit longer between pumps than my normal five hours my breasts don’t feel as engorged or hurt as much. I do still feel kind of panicky and stressed if they’re full, like I’m easier to agitate, but they’re not as bothersome. In the mornings, they’re not rock solid anymore, which is a huge relief. They’re definitely still full and they do still wake me up, but it’s not super uncomfortable. I’d say morning and end of day still yield quite a bit. I am still in an over supply and have just been freezing whatever is left over after bottles are made.

One of the big things I am trying to focus on is the new mindset shift – if I do see a decrease in output I need to be congratulating myself, and NOT panicking. A decrease in output means I’m doing what I set out to do – less milk means more time with the baby and doing other things that I love!

Will check back in for Week 3!!! Ok, love you bye!!!!

You can watch my quick recap on Instagram here.

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