But all of my friends call me Cait! After being a hardcore Corporate Girlie for eight years, I did the working mom thing. For 3 whole months. Then I realized the place I really needed to be was home with my son. Work would always be there but my children would never be this little!

I was so caught off guard by how relentless motherhood was and the first 6 months of my sons life were rife with Postpartum Depression (PPD) and Postpartum Anxiety (PPA), topped off with some Postpartum OCD (PPOCD). 

I knew I needed an outlet and turned to content creation and have been sharing my postpartum journey being an exclusive pumper and full time corporate girlie turned stay at home mom - after spending my entire pregnancy saying that could never be me. 

I am learning and growing and becoming a stronger, more confident mom and am hoping that sharing this little glimpse of my life will help you feel less alone!

Hi, I'm Caitlin

We spent almost 3 years trying to conceive, with 2.5 of it being fertility treatments. We did 6 IUIs - 4 failed, 2 ended in chemical pregnancies. We finally decided that IVF was going to be our best bet due to my Hashimotos and blood clotting issues, among other things. We did a 5 day fresh transfer which resulted in our beautiful baby boy. IVF took a lot of the joy out of conceiving but we are so grateful for our sweet little boy!

IVF journey

Our celebration after our positive pregnancy test was short lived though. Week 8, I started vomiting. Then I didn't stop. After having multiple ER visits, my care team set me up with a home health nurse. I was hooked up to IVs for 2 weeks to try and bring my vitamin levels back up and keep me hydrated. I had to take a 6 week leave from work! If you would like to learn more about HG, head to HER Foundation for more information.

HG pregnancy

After the birth of our beautiful son, I really struggled with breastfeeding. After oral tie revisions and many visits with an IBCLC, I realized that nursing just wasn't in the cards for us so I switched to pumping exclusively! I spent 14 months learning how to pump and have shared a majority of my journey on social media where I've made friends with other EP moms and some really wonderful Certified Lactation Consultants that specialize in EP!

exclusive pumping

my story

The That Millennial Mom community consists of just little old me behind the scenes but also, thousands of moms who share their knowledge and experiences so new moms don't feel so alone!

You'll find Weekend Confessional in Instagram Stories every Saturday where you'll be able to share your wins, woes, and ask Experienced Moms questions. 

Every month I host an expert in a specific field in stories where you'll be able to ask questions you might not normally be able to get answered. We've done Infant Sleep, Exclusive Pumping, and Prenatal and Postpartum Q&As so far and I'm looking forward to having more Experienced Moms  and experts in specialized fields lend a shoulder and ear to help moms build their village and get support!

about this community